Servings: 1 Total Time: 25 mins Difficulty: Beginner

Healthy gluten-free pancake

Your kids are definitely going to love this one. Surely, there are several healthy gluten-free recipes. However, this one will surely be your kid's favorite, and it's super easy to prepare!

A healthy breakfast of pancakes with honey, dark chocolate, and a cup of chamomile.

A healthy breakfast of pancakes with honey, dark chocolate, and a cup of chamomile, Dr. Cherine's recipe
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Prep Time 15 mins Cook Time 5 mins Rest Time 5 mins Total Time 25 mins Difficulty: Beginner Servings: 1 Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


Wet Ingredients

Dry ingredients


  1. Mix 1-5 wet ingredients by order.

  2. Mix dry ingredients.

  3. Add wet ingredients to dry ones and mix.

  4. Let the blend rest for 5 min.

  5. Add it to a hot pan with some coconut oil.

  6. Flip it.

  7. Garnish the dish with healthy dark chocolate spread/almond butter and granola topping of your choice.

Keywords: Healthy Pancakes, Gluten-Free Pancakes, Pancakes For Kids, Healthy Breakfast, Healthy Snack
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