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اشترِك للحصول على نسختكَ المجانيّة عن الكتاب الإلكترونيّ:
21 خطوةً سهلة لتعزيز صحّتكَ اليوم
احصَل على نسختكَ المجانيّة لمدّة محدودة!
إليكَ نظرة سريعة عمّا ستكتشفهُ في الداخل
ألقِ نظرةً على آراء الناس:
اِنزل بالصفحة إلى الأسفل لقراءة المزيد من الشهادات
The consultation experience with Dr. Cherine is truly unique. She takes her time to get to know her patients and learn about their lifestyles, life experiences, possible past traumas, and just everything that might have led to whatever ailments they are currently suffering from. I visited her clinic suffering from symptoms that manifested after being exposed to many changes in my life and stress. Aside from the supplements (which were necessary), she gave me lifestyle hacks including healthy habits that will help me release the stress and unwind. The result was, knowing how to deal with stress better, losing weight, and feeling more energetic. Doctor Cherine helps you understand your body and health and encourages you to introduce change on body, spirit, and mind levels thus treating the root cause with a holistic approach. She is a multi-talented doctor who gives designed personalized care...if you visit her, you might end up having a very beautiful and smart friend to top it all

What I love the most about Dr. Cherine is her untraditional approach to physical and mental issues. She gave me a new perspective on how to manage the root cause of a problem rather than follow traditional medication that suppresses symptoms. Two months after starting to balance the essential minerals and vitamins in my body, and tips on food and mental well being, I already feel much better physically and mentally. Under the guidance of Dr Cherine, I now look at healing health issues as a process that will be rewarded if a certain protocol is followed.

The light IN the tunnel. This is how I would introduce Dr. Cherine if I were to describe her in one sentence. I was advised to seek Dr. Cherine’s support shortly after being diagnosed with cancer. so instead of meeting a doctor who advises on what to eat and what not to eat, what to do and what not to do, I discovered a reliable doctor combining science, spirituality, depth, emotional intelligence, knowledge, and integrity, a person who was pushing me beyond the "what" to do or not to do to help me unpack the "why" and the "how", why things happen and how we can overcome them.
Dr. Cherine taught me that mind, body, and spirit are interrelated and that for healing to be holistic, it should address all three aspects. Throughout the sessions, Dr. Cherine focused on helping me change my mindset and the rigid thoughts and beliefs that were resulting in many unhealthy emotions, behaviors, and habits I had.
She helped me widen my horizon using a bit of everything: science, psychology, astronomy, quantum physics, spirituality, religion, and more. She also made sure to make me very involved in my own healing journey. She equipped me with many techniques that I could apply in my daily life to maintain a state of well-being. Her energy is so beautiful and so contagious. So, to anyone who is struggling, feeling stuck in unhealthy behaviors or toxic relationships, confused, unfulfilled, undetermined, or unhappy, my advice to you is to give yourself this amazing chance to work with such an exceptional doctor and human being. This will be one of the best gifts you could give yourself.

I Met Dr. Cherine Bazzane in June 2020 where my best friend offered me on my birthday to attend a workshop where Dr. Cherine was the speaker. I immediately took an appointment to do a regular checkup, as I'm in love with holistic medicine, then we started to do sessions. We started to ask questions that had never crossed my mind. July 2020 was a turning point in my life, as if she clicked on a button where I began my self-discovery trip. Believe me we all think that we know a lot about ourselves and our people around us, but for me it was a beginning of a journey where I started to enjoy life and love the people around me. Her positive energy is really contagious. I wish people would understand more about mental health and how it can affect our mind, soul and body. Sometimes, I look to some close people in my life and say: "yaret trouho 3and Dr. Cherine"
I can't thank you enough for the change you have done to my thoughts.
You are a real inspiration

I met Dr Cherine Bazzane at the beginning of 2020. I was happy to find that she was a licensed medical Doctor practicing both: conventional medicine along integrative/alternative medicine.
Dr Bazzane had a holistic approach to the dis-ease presented by the patient, understanding that mind-body -spirit were all interconnected. I found this approach so crucial on my healing journey. She addressed not only the body but the soul as well.
Dr Bazzane's energy is strong and anchored in science. At the same time, she is gentle, feminine and loving. Dr Bazzane is a practitioner that walks her talk. She practices what she preaches. She has integrity and a lot of respect for the people she works with.

I was referred to Dr. Cherine Bazzane by a friend of mine at a time in my life when I was feeling particularly low, uninspired, and unmotivated. Dr Cherine broke down the connection between mind, body, and soul, and explained the importance of there being a balance between the three in order to achieve a peaceful life. Her spiritual insight, coupled with her extensive background in conventional and alternative medicine make her incredible at what she does. She is very aware of her patient's energy from the moment she starts a session, which is integral to the content of the session. The thing I admire most about Dr. Bazzane is that she practices what she preaches. The tools and approaches she shares with her patients are ones she practices herself, and so knows first-hand the positive impact they can have on people. She puts you at ease which makes it so much easier to open up, and from here, she is able to determine the root cause of your challenges in order to guide you on your healing journey. I would highly recommend Dr. Bazzane for those seeking a balanced, peaceful, healthy, inspired, and spiritual approach to life. Since my sessions with Dr. Bazzane, I've been more inspired than ever to move ahead in life and achieve my fullest potential. I still practice the tools she shared with me – These have helped me to better react to, and deal with the negative situations in my life. I will forever be grateful for her help in getting me to a better place, both mentally and emotionally.