Servings: 1 Total Time: 5 mins Difficulty: Beginner

Maca chocolate smoothie

The maca smoothie is one of my favorite superfood recipes. It’s a Peruvian plant.
It is of the same family as broccoli, cabbage, and kale.
It has an earthy flavor; this is why I find that it pairs very well with chocolate.
Maca is also rich in health benefits.
This smoothie is super tasty, highly nutritious, and helps improve symptoms of hormonal imbalance, anxiety, low energy, and perimenopause symptoms.

A glass of sugar-free chocolate maca smoothie on a table prepared by Dr. Cherine
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Prep Time 5 mins Total Time 5 mins Difficulty: Beginner Servings: 1 Best Season: Suitable throughout the year



  1. Mix all the ingredients until well blended.


Reviews of multiple studies have found evidence suggesting that maca could improve libido (sexual drive) and help reduce sexual dysfunction in women who take any sort of antidepressant.

Additionally, some reviews suggest it helps fertility in men.

Maca contains flavonoids, which may reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. It also promotes natural antioxidants in the body.

Moreover, a study found that postmenopausal women who took two daily tablets containing maca experienced reduced hot flashes and night sweats.

Keywords: Sugar Craving, Healthy Drink, Healthy Smoothie, Maca Chocolate Smoothie, Maca Smoothie, Curb Craving, Super Foods, Energy Boost Smoothie, Delicious Smoothie